Obtaining international certifications enhances your organization's credibility and demonstrates its ability to comply with global standards. Certifications also open up new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, while helping to improve overall performance and increase customer satisfaction.
The official evaluation is carried out through a comprehensive process that includes analyzing your current processes and procedures, identifying strengths and weaknesses. This is performed by a team of certified experts who utilize globally recognized maturity models to provide an accurate assessment of your organization’s maturity levels.
PDCA Group offers a variety of internationally recognized certifications, such as ICOR for institutional resilience, GINI for innovation, and CMMI for processes. We also work with other approved models like the PDF Business Disability Forum.
Our recommendations are based on a thorough analysis of the data collected during the evaluation. We provide practical and actionable solutions that assist your organization in enhancing efficiency, developing processes, and increasing customer satisfaction, ultimately improving your overall performance.