Partnerships Management System

is an electronic system developed by PDCA Group in line with digital transformation strategies and initiatives to build a paperless business environment.

“The main challenge facing organizations at the present time is to provide innovative solutions to build and support the achievement of their strategic goals.”

The PMS system provides a common electronic platform for managing, coordinating, organizing and evaluating the business relationships and partnerships with various organizations (known as business partners), whether they are national or international entities from inside or outside the country, from public and private sectors, or even individuals, in line with best practices and partnership management systems specifications such as (ISO44001: 2017) and the 4th Generation model of the government business excellence. The system is a pioneering initiative as the first electronic system for partnership management systems in the region: 1. Using technology to activate digital transactions. 2. A common electronic platform for managing, organizing and evaluating the business partnerships with various entities. 3. The system meets the requirements of ISO44001: 2017, and the 4th Generation model for Government Excellence. 4. The system complies with government directions to develop the governmental processes and systems, allows for remote work models, and supports a comprehensive digital transformation within governmental organizations. The system supports and compliments the business continuity management system, where all tasks can be implemented and followed up remotely around the clock, hence enhancing the organizational resilience.



  • The system meets the requirements of ISO44001: 2017 and the standards and requirements of the 4th Generation model of Government Excellence. Besides, we have implemented our team’s vast experience and knowledge in applying best practices followed in Partnership Management Systems
  • The system aims to enhance cooperation and joint work with strategic partners from governmental and private organizations, as well as individuals, and allows for a tangible mutual improvement in providing services that contribute to enhancing organizational performance. The system simply allows to show the value generated from the partnership.
  • The system is a web-based platform and designed to work on Entrant network with a fully responsive and flexible interactive design that supports mobile devices, smart devices and tablets in all browsers.
  • The system provides the management with direct access to the required information and statistics about the number of partnerships signed and distributed to departments and sectors, indicating the type of partnerships and the classification of partners, as well as presenting a summary of current operations in real time through the reports and interactive dashboards provided.

How does the system contribute to the application of the smart work principle (paperless digital transactions)?

  • A common electronic platform that works on the web (web-based) to manage the partnerships management system within the organization.
  • The ability to organize a complete follow-up mechanism for the procedures and processes of partnerships management and the ability to measure completion rates and the issuance of alerts and various partnerships management documents such as:
  • User registration. Partnership request. Documents: Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Cooperation, and others. Statistical reports and interactive dashboards. User notifications. Export results / tables to PDF & Excel). Workflow charts and approvals. Electronic signature